About Me


I’m Jennifer Nichols, mom, wife, sister, daughter, artist and teacher. I am a retired Montessori teacher and school owner, and I am having a blast teaching everything I know about Procreate on the iPad. I believe we are all artists and with lots of practice, we all improve, as with most things in life. When it’s fun, it’s so much easier to devote time for practice so I am all about enjoying the journey! I help people learn Procreate and improve their art skills so they have a more fulfilling creative outlet. 

I added another creative hobby to my life in January 2023 when I discovered the benefits of freshly milling your own flour at home and I made a website all about it if you want to check it out!

I also have a love for gnomes and they frequently show up in my work. Tap the gnomes to see more!

So, if I'm Jennifer, who are Leila & Po?

They are our pups! Years ago I was dabbling with online art stuff and this “branding” sounded fun. Leila & Po Studio rolled off the tongue…and my kids loved it! At the time, I had no idea how important branding was and by the time I thought about changing the name, it was a little too late! So here we are! Leila is my baby, my shadow. Po is my little old man, the sweetest boy!



Where to find me

I left Instagram and Facebook but I dabble in Cara, BlueSky, and I even run a free Procreate group on Discord for people who are accepting of the diversity in this world. You can email me if you’re interested in Discord, it is LGBTQIA-friendly, accepting of neurodivergent folks, and accepting of all ethnicities. It’s for child-friendly Procreate art so no gore or nudity. 

On other platforms I try to use @jennifernichols or @jennifernicholsart so I can be found easily. Below are some direct links to my membership and such! Enjoy!

Feel free to email me here: jennifer@leilaandpo.studio