Procreate Brushes for Everyone!
Here are a few fun Procreate resources for everyone. I have SO many more freebies! My newsletter subscribers get access to a growing list of freebies and my students get ALL of my brushes, palettes, and more. They come with class! Join my newsletter below to get more info!

- 2022 Spring Palettes
Enjoy these lovely Spring palettes! You can grab my Posca Pens and Micron Marker procreate brushes if you subscribe to my newsletter! That's what I used for the center of the flower 🙂 You can find them in the 2021 content on the subscriber download page.

- Jen’s Splotchy Blender Brush (tap here)
(Remember, single brushes will download into Procreate's Imported brush category.)
This brush is very fun to use on a canvas that already has some texture layers, such as my canvas from my Negative Painting class on Skillshare. It should work well with other watercolor canvases as well.

- Jen’s Five Free Favorites
I am giving away 5 of my very favorite and most used brushes as a way to celebrate reaching 3,000 followers on Instagram! If you know me, you know I love texture! So please enjoy these favorite texture brushes!

- Jen’s Textured Grid Brush
Enjoy one of my faves! Add it to a top layer, use gray, set blend mode to color burn!
Since it's a single brush, it will import into Procreate's "Imported" brush category.Â

- Spoonflower Blog Brushes!
As a fun little bonus to celebrate my Spoonflower Guest Blog post, I assembled a few more of my favorite Procreate brushes! Be sure to grab the other set of my Faves and you will have an awesome collection of brushes! I give away loads of brushes in my Skillshare classes but I have been having fun doing little giveaways here now and then as well. Enjoy!

- Snowman Ornament Brushes and Palette
Here are all of the brushes and the palette for this ornament! I am going on Instagram Live to show a full lesson on it. If you miss it, it will be in my IGTV when it's over! The Live is today, November 19 at 11 AM Pacific. If you are finding these brushes in the future 😉 just scroll back a bit in my IGTV and you will see it! Enjoy!

- Jen’s Colorful Crazy Textures
Hello! I made some amazing brushes for my "Creating Scenes with Depth" Skillshare class and I have collected ten out of 28 to give away for free here for those who are not on Skillshare. Most of them have some color variety to them and as always, I encourage you to play with brushes to see all that they can do! Some of these get very large and create instant texture for an entire background. Enjoy!

- 10 Brushes for 3000 Skillshare Followers!
I made some free pattern brushes to celebrate getting to 3000 followers on Skillshare! I appreciate each and every one of you!
I love pattern brushes so much! They can be used in many ways. If you want to learn how to make pattern brushes, check out my Pattern Brush 101 class on Skillshare!

- Honeycomb Brushes
Enjoy these fun brushes which can be used in various ways, like with clipping masks and blend modes, to get all kinds of looks. Be sure to tag me on Instagram if you use them so I can see what you make!! @leila_and_po

- 2021 Procreate Palettes
Enjoy these free procreate palettes from 2021. Each palette has two rows of colors, each row is its own palette (one has a 3rd palette at the far right). Since this is a zipped file, once you download it, go into your Files and tap the zipped file so it can unzip.When you import .swatch files, they go into your palette list at the very bottom.
Have fun!