Do you enjoy simple flowers that don’t need a lot of shading or other details that make it look realistic? A gouache look is the perfect choice! You can simply make flower-like shapes and add some other colors to give them a bit of style, even having multiple flower types on the same stem!

Bear with me in this YouTube video as I tackled some tech issues using OBS for the first time but here I show you some simple gouache flowers with free brushes and it’s a lot of fun! You can access the free brushes as a newsletter subscriber which you can sign up for below. Once you get to the Freebies section, scroll down and click into the 2021-2022 freebies until you see the gouache fig painting!

You can also grab some free palettes in the April 2024 freebies but you won’t need those for this lesson. Enjoy! And if you are interested in even more fun with gouache, I have a much larger brush set as part of a class in my membership, a couple recorded Live Lessons on gouache, and so much more!