zugu case

A Few of My Favorite Things

I’d like to start by saying that none of these links are affiliate links so I am not getting paid to recommend them, I just love them! Also, I don’t use screen protectors on my iPads, never have. The Apple Pencil was made to be used directly on the glass and does not scratch it. You get the best image clarity without a screen protector as well! As long as you take care of your iPad, your naked screen will last a lifetime!

I think one of the most important accessories for iPad users is the case and it’s worth spending some money one to get good quality so you have fewer frustrations. I have tried several cases and when I finally spent a little more and bought my first Zugu Case, I knew I would never need to look at other brands in the future. Of course, everyone has different things that are important features in a case so it might not be a good fit for you. I like that there are numerous options for viewing angles and it stays where you put it! I do most of my work in landscape mode so this case also works well for that. It also protects the iPad at the Apple Pencil charging spot rather than having an exposed edge. It is very sturdy and I never worry about my iPad being protected. And the company donates to a great cause! https://www.zugucase.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiA76-dBhByEiwAA0_s9QTmVTyN1f5pB8kVvaXZ1ROhOb-ALSv7Zkp7iW-rFGXvuxc7BHsPtRoCMl8QAvD_BwE

Occassionally, I enjoy using a sleeve for better grip and with the second gen Apple Pencil, I have to take them off in order to charge so I get little short ones instead of full length grips. I am picky about rough seams on the edges so I have tried quite a few types! Here is my favorite from Uppercase: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07N1VTW3H/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

I also get a lot of use out of a sturdy little pencil holder from Uppercase: https://www.amazon.com/UPPERCASE-Designs-NimbleStand-Vertical-Compatible/dp/B08N5NZ4F5/ref=sr_1_1?crid=27P4Y2HH87Q2M&keywords=uppercase+pencil+holder&qid=1672287563&sprefix=uppercase+pencil+holde%2Caps%2C170&sr=8-1

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